Lip Augmentation Wrocław – Nowa Estetyka

From an aesthetic standpoint, full and well-hydrated lips give the face a more defined and expressive look. When lips are too thin or asymmetrical, they may not align with commonly appreciated beauty standards. Due to negative factors and the aging process, lips lose hydration, clear contour, and even pigmentation, with the vermillion border fading. But we don’t have to settle for this!

A range of cross-linked hyaluronic acid products allows for restoring full lip volume, reshaping or correcting asymmetry. Lip augmentation not only improves appearance but also enhances a patient’s self-esteem and well-being.

Using hyaluronic acid-based products, we can achieve:

  • restoring lost lip volume due to aging
  • lip hydration
  • defining the border between the lips and surrounding skin
  • reshaping the lip contour
  • smoothing radial wrinkles around the lips
  • correcting nasolabial folds
  • enhancing volume in overly thin lips
  • correcting asymmetry (especially when the upper lip is disproportionately thinner)
  • moisturizing and refreshing the natural lip color
  • modeling the philtrum and Cupid’s bow
  • preventing cracking and chapping
  • lifting drooping corners of the mouth

Hyaluronic acid correction is one of the safest methods for lip augmentation and is a non-invasive alternative to surgical or permanent implant procedures. Unlike surgical methods, it does not leave scars. Hyaluronic acid is a biocompatible material, well-tolerated by the body, and allergic reactions are extremely rare.

The effects of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid last for several months, as the hyaluronic acid is gradually absorbed by the body. This allows us to see if the transformation meets our expectations—without the risk of scars or the formation of hard lumps.


Duration of the procedure approx. 30 minutes
Anesthesia local anesthesia is optional
Recovery swelling, sensitivity to pain, and slight bruising for up to 3 days; patients can return to work immediately after the procedure
Before the procedure avoid aspirin for 5 days prior to the procedure
After the procedure avoid tanning, saunas, and sun exposure for 10-14 days
Results 6-12 months, depending on the product

Lip Augmentation – Preparing for the Procedure

During the consultation, the desired result of the procedure, as well as the shape and volume of the lips, are discussed. A trained specialist can assess the patient’s expectations to achieve a subtle effect of fuller, firmer lips without an artificial “puffed” appearance. If significant volume increase is desired, the process is carried out in stages over several months by gradually administering small doses of filler. This ensures the lips maintain a natural look and proportion. The final size must complement the patient’s overall appearance and facial proportions.

Five days before the procedure, patients should avoid medications that affect platelet function, such as aspirin. Before injecting hyaluronic acid, the lips must be free of makeup. Typically, photos are taken for medical documentation—before and after images help objectively evaluate the treatment’s outcome.

Lip Augmentation – Procedure

Usually, the procedure for reshaping or augmenting the lips is preceded by local anesthesia with lidocaine or numbing cream. Some fillers also contain anesthetic agents. The procedure takes about 30 minutes.

Microdoses of hyaluronic acid are slowly and smoothly injected using multiple small punctures. Proper technique ensures even lip enhancement. Micro-needle injections cause minimal discomfort and require a very short recovery time.

After the injections, a gentle lip massage helps evenly distribute the product within the tissue, giving the lips the desired shape and preventing the formation of localized lumps.

Lip Augmentation Products

Lip augmentation and shaping products are typically hyaluronic acid ampoules in a saline solution, with a capacity of 1 ml. The products available on the market have different properties and absorption times, so it’s best to rely on the doctor’s experience when selecting the product. The choice of filler depends on the patient’s age, skin condition, wrinkle depth, and desired result. The filler must be flexible and integrate well with the tissue. An experienced eye and aesthetic sensitivity will determine the optimal dose to achieve the most natural, subtle effect. The goal is not only to meet the patient’s expectations but also to maintain harmony with the facial features and overall appearance.

Depending on the desired lip volume, the entire contents of the ampoule are not always used during the first procedure. The first results can be assessed after 3-5 days, when any swelling subsides. If the initial result is unsatisfactory for the patient and the doctor deems it appropriate, the remaining filler can be injected.

Lip shaping and filling are done using the most well-known and proven products.

Recovery After the Procedure

How long does the swelling last? Slight swelling, tenderness, and bruising may occur within 3 days after the lip augmentation procedure. Some patients choose to spend the day after the procedure at home, but this is not necessary—you can return to daily activities immediately. Any swelling should not be noticeable to others. Makeup can be used starting the second day.

Lip Augmentation – Post-Treatment Recommendations

For 10-14 days after the procedure, it is recommended to:

  • limit exposure to heat (saunas, tanning beds, sun)
  • avoid excessive facial movements and stretching of the lips (such as during a dental visit, etc.)

Lip Augmentation with Hyaluronic Acid – Results

The application of hyaluronic acid provides an immediate moisturizing effect. After just one treatment, lips appear more sensual and attractive, with a more defined contour. Additionally, hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of new collagen as part of the body’s natural regenerative processes—making the lips firmer and smoothing fine lines around the mouth. The final result can be seen after about a week.

Hyaluronic acid effectively fills in fine wrinkles around the mouth, hydrates, and increases tissue volume, masking visible signs of skin aging. However, it does not prevent the aging process itself.

How long do the results last?

The absorption time of the product is 6-12 months—after this period, the procedure can be repeated. The duration of the effects depends on the individual patient’s characteristics. If a significant reduction in the filler is noticed, there are no contraindications to repeating the injections before the 6-month mark.

Lip Augmentation – Contraindications

As with other treatments using hyaluronic acid, patients with allergies to any of the components of the product are disqualified. The procedure is not performed on patients with active inflammation around the lips or cold sores, nor on pregnant or breastfeeding women. Antibiotic treatment should also be completed before the procedure.