Mesotherapy Wrocław – Nowa Estetyka Medical Center

Some problems cannot be solved with creams, as their cause lies in the deeper layers of the skin, not on its surface. Skin that is discolored, uneven, or dehydrated needs a higher dose of nutrients. These can be delivered through a vitamin blend. Needle mesotherapy (injection) is a vitamin “cocktail” tailored individually to your skin’s needs. The most natural form of mesotherapy involves injections of platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood — also known as the vampire facelift.

Mesotherapy is also an effective method for removing acne scars or for overall revitalization of dry skin that has lost its firmness and tone. Mesotherapy helps combat cellulite, treat the scalp, and address excessive hair loss. Microneedling can be used not only to fight the effects of aging but also preventatively, to deliver essential therapeutic substances to the skin (anti-aging treatments).

Needle Mesotherapy for the Face – Procedure Overview

Needle mesotherapy is a safe and minimally painful procedure. Subcutaneous injections are performed manually with very thin and short needles at small intervals, about 1 cm apart. A mixture of nourishing and regenerating substances is injected in small doses with a precise concentration of active ingredients directly into the dermal layer. For patients sensitive to pain, local anesthesia can be applied (30 minutes before the session) using a topical anesthetic cream.

The duration of one session is typically around 45 minutes. After the procedure, a local massage is performed to evenly distribute the nourishing ingredients deep into the skin.

Active Ingredients in Mesotherapy

The most commonly used mesotherapy solutions are mixtures based on vitamins, hyaluronic acid, biomimetic peptides, and trace elements. Sometimes caffeine or glycerin is also added. Hyaluronic acid-based cocktails stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, saturate dry skin with water molecules (deep hydration), improve its elasticity, and stimulate regeneration processes.

Mesotherapy – Indications

  • Elimination of acne scars
  • Desire to “rejuvenate” the skin of the face, neck, décolletage, and hands
  • Dry, sagging skin that has lost its tone
  • Stretch mark removal
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite (thighs, buttocks, hips)
  • Treatment of hair loss in men and women
  • Prevention of skin aging

For patients scheduled for mesotherapy, it is recommended to stop taking aspirin 7 days before the procedure.

Mesotherapy in Hair Loss Treatment

Needle mesotherapy for the scalp is an effective, non-surgical method for treating androgenic alopecia and excessive hair loss in both men and women. Mesotherapy can involve the use of platelet-rich plasma from the patient or pharmacological treatments (medicinal mesotherapy). Scalp injections are an excellent, non-invasive alternative to hair transplants for patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery or who are unable to accept the long recovery time.

Learn more about other hair loss treatments.


  • Vascular skin
  • Untreated skin inflammations
  • Cancer
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Allergies to any of the ingredients in the mesotherapy solutions

Needle Mesotherapy – Treatment Results

The first results of mesotherapy can be observed after 2-3 treatments. The natural stimulation of collagen and elastin production by hyaluronic acid helps fill in wrinkles, creating a noticeable revitalization and improvement in skin tension. Comprehensive “skin rejuvenation” occurs, leaving the complexion denser, firmer, and hydrated. The effects of facial needle mesotherapy last for several months.

To maintain the desired results, it is recommended to continue mesotherapy with maintenance treatments (3-4 per year).

Mesotherapy – How Many Sessions?

It is recommended that mesotherapy treatments be performed multiple times as part of a treatment block, and repeated at intervals of several months. The number of sessions depends on the desired final result and the patient’s age:

  • Reducing dark circles under the eyes: 1 – 4 sessions
  • Facial skin revitalization: 4 – 8 sessions

A key advantage of non-surgical wrinkle removal and skin revitalization treatments is that tissue swelling after the procedure lasts only up to 1 hour. However, there is an almost immediate lifting effect: refreshed skin with fewer wrinkles and improved tone.

Post-Treatment Care

Do not pick at the scabs formed from the micro-injections. Special attention should be paid to the hygiene of the injection sites. For 4 days after the procedure, it is advised to avoid saunas, pools, and sunbathing. The average recovery time is 1-2 days.

Mesotherapy – Side Effects

For a few days after the procedure, there may be redness, erythema, and slight swelling. In rare cases, localized bruising may occur.