Sclerotherapy in Wrocław, Poland – Nowa Estetyka Medical Center

Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure used to treat spider veins and small reticular veins (telangiectasia, venulectasia). It doesn’t require anesthesia and doesn’t leave scars. Sclerotherapy can eliminate about 85% of visible varicose veins and spider veins. Complete removal is possible when the condition is diagnosed early.

Sclerotherapy is an alternative to surgical closure of dilated blood vessels in the lower limbs, offering satisfactory results with minimal medical intervention and no need for hospitalization. Additionally, the procedure is associated with a lower risk of complications.

What Causes Broken Blood Vessels?

Chronic impaired blood flow in the lower limbs eventually manifests as unsightly spider veins, which can progress to more noticeable varicose veins and venous ulcers over time.

Several factors contribute to the development of these pathological changes in blood vessels, including a sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, pregnancy, and genetic predispositions. Chronic venous insufficiency within a family increases a patient’s risk of developing such conditions.

Indications for Sclerotherapy

  • telangiectasia (commonly known as spider veins)
  • small reticular veins (reticular varicose veins)
  • venulectasia
  • chronic venous insufficiency
  • ulcerative changes
  • post-surgical varicose veins

Preparing for the Procedure

The pre-treatment consultation aims to assess the severity of the condition and determine whether the procedure is appropriate. A painless Doppler ultrasound will reveal any pathological changes and allow for measurement of the dilated vessel’s diameter. Sclerotherapy may require a temporary discontinuation of certain blood-thinning medications (such as aspirin), so it is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter ones.

What Does the Sclerotherapy Procedure Involve?

The goal of sclerotherapy is to block off a damaged vein by transforming it into connective tissue. After injection, a clot forms in the vein, restricting blood flow through the vessel. Over time, the sealed vein undergoes fibrosis and closes off completely.

Sclerotherapy is performed on an outpatient basis. Prior to the procedure, a Doppler ultrasound is conducted to evaluate the condition of the deep venous system and the state of the lower limb veins. The procedure itself lasts about 30 minutes.

A sclerosant—a special obliterating agent—is injected into the vein using a syringe with a fine needle. This causes the vein walls to contract and induces localized inflammation, which results in the closure and fibrosis of the blood vessel.

During the procedure, several to a dozen or more injections are made. The concentration of the sclerosant depends on the complexity of the problem (size of the varicose veins).

Compression bandages significantly enhance the procedure’s effectiveness by promoting more thorough sealing of the vein. It is recommended to purchase compression stockings (second compression class) from a specialty store in advance (in Wrocław, for example, on ul. Św. Antoniego) and bring them to the procedure. Stockings with first-class compression are preventative and will not provide the necessary pressure.

Is the Sclerotherapy Procedure Painful?

During sclerotherapy, patients experience minimal pain due to the use of very fine, dedicated needles. The degree of discomfort is subjective and depends on the individual’s pain tolerance. If you are concerned about pain, inform your doctor—local anesthesia in the form of an anesthetic gel may be applied.

Patients who cannot undergo general anesthesia can also opt for sclerotherapy, unlike surgical varicose vein removal.

Sclerotherapy – After the Procedure

After sclerotherapy, there are almost no restrictions on daily activities. However, temporary tenderness to touch, visible bruising, and slight swelling may occur, which is a normal effect of wearing compression stockings. Compression stockings should be worn daily for at least 14 days after the procedure.

For 1-2 hours post-procedure, try to stay active and avoid long car rides, etc.

How Quickly Are Results Visible?

The injection of the closing agent does not mean that varicose veins or spider veins will disappear immediately. The vein sealing process takes about 3-4 weeks. Only then, due to the lack of blood pressure, does the sealed vessel begin to be absorbed. Depending on the size of the spider veins, treatment can take several weeks to months.

The good news is that once sealed, the dilated vein usually doesn’t cause further problems. Sclerotherapy provides lasting results, but it does not prevent the overall tendency to develop new spider veins or varicose veins. To maintain the aesthetic appearance of the legs, the procedure should be performed regularly (every few years) as the issue recurs, with new spider veins appearing. The smaller the varicose veins treated, the higher the chances of successful procedures.

Sclerotherapy – Contraindications

  • general poor health
  • diabetes
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • skin inflammation or infection at the treatment site
  • allergic reactions to the sclerosant
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • heart defects or arrhythmias