Breast Ultrasound Wroclaw – Examination and Consultation – Nowa Estetyka Medical Center

A breast ultrasound (ultrasonography) is a fundamental diagnostic test for breast glands, especially for women under 35 as part of breast disease prevention. For women over 40, an ultrasound should complement a mammogram, as it can detect changes not visible on mammography. Ultrasound can also be performed early for young women aged 16-20.

The purpose of a breast ultrasound is to assess the structure of the nipples, the breast tissue, and the lymph nodes in the axillary regions, as well as to detect any potential focal lesions, abscesses, or cysts. Regular breast ultrasounds aid in the early detection of breast cancer. The ultrasound can detect small lumps as small as 3mm, and it is possible to visually distinguish benign changes, such as cysts, from malignant ones, which may require further diagnostics.

The examination takes about 15 minutes, is painless and safe, and can be repeated regularly (it does not expose the body to harmful radiation). After the examination, the patient receives a report, ultrasound images, and recommendations for further diagnostics if necessary.

Indications for a Breast Ultrasound

  • if there is a family history of ovarian or breast cancer
  • inversion of the nipple or changes in breast skin texture
  • discharge from the nipple (in women who are not breastfeeding and are not pregnant)
  • pain in the breast or surrounding areas
  • palpable lumps detected during self-examination
  • palpable changes or abnormalities detected in mammography – ultrasound helps to determine their location in relation to the chest wall before surgery or biopsy and classify the changes as malignant/benign
  • follow-up ultrasound after a breast biopsy
  • diagnostics of surrounding lymph nodes
  • evaluation of tumor regression following radio- and chemotherapy
  • systematic monitoring of previously diagnosed changes in the breasts

For patients under 40, a breast ultrasound should be performed at least once a year. It may need to be done more frequently if the patient has a genetic predisposition to breast or ovarian cancer, as per the doctor’s recommendation. The best time for a breast ultrasound is during the first phase of the menstrual cycle (within the first 10 days of the cycle). Ultrasonography replaces mammography for pregnant or breastfeeding women (when mammography is not recommended).

Preparing for a Breast Ultrasound

No special preparation is required for the examination. It is recommended to bring previous breast examination results and reports (ultrasound, mammography, biopsy) to the consultation.